Rewire your inner thoughts so that they’re centered in gratitude. We created this 30-day gratitude challenge to get you started.


Source: Happier Human


📅 Calendar

We created 30 unique spaces to record your gratitude. Start at day one and try to make it to day thirty consecutively without skipping an entry. Miss a day? It's not a problem. Feel free to fill out your thirty days on your own time.

📝 Write + Reflect

In under five minutes, use this space to answer your daily prompt and share any other thoughts, feelings, or goals you might have.

🎨 Customize

Want to add even more? Use this gratitude journal to share anything (and everything!) you want. Feel free to add photos, additional prompts, and thoughts.

  • Someone looking to start a gratitude practice, but doesn’t know where—or how—to start.
  • Someone who feels overwhelmed, anxious, and a little burned out—even though they know there are many things for which to be grateful.
  • Someone who is looking to achieve greater long-term happiness and better life satisfaction.
  • Someone looking to improve an aspect of their life by finding new ways to appreciate and enjoy it—whether it’s their career, personal relationships, or overall health.
  • Someone looking for a way to get back into journaling and examining their mental and emotional health in an accessible way.

Notion is an all-in-one app that you can use for everything from journaling to organizing your most complicated projects. Notion is a great place to store your thoughts, reminders, to-dos, and ideas.

If you’ve never used Notion before, don’t worry. While we love the usability of Notion, we understand that all new software can seem daunting (and even scary) to use. That’s why we have a quick tutorial video embedded within our gratitude journal.

Learn more about using Notion templates here.

Get started now!