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Asking For A Raise 101
What We're Covering (2:51)
Preparing For The Course + The Course Workbook (0:54)
Navigating Teachable (1:47)
Lesson 1: How Much Should You Ask For?
Video 1: Salary Myths And Truths (6:47)
Video 2: How To Conduct Salary Research (12:38)
Video 3: Self-Evaluation (4:18)
Video 4: When To Ask For A Raise (7:03)
Study Break
Salary Stories Part One (9:30)
Lesson 2: Ask For That Raise
Video 2: Making The Ask (10:54)
Video 1: Set The Meeting (3:06)
Video 3: Responses and Follow Ups (2:25)
Study Break
Salary Stories Part Two (10:46)
Lesson 3: FAQs With Salary Experts
Video 1: What do you do if you deserve a bigger raise but you don’t have the “hard facts” to back it up? (1:43)
Video 2: How do I ask for a raise in a part time or contract job? (2:20)
Video 3: How do I recover from a failed raise conversation? (0:41)
Video 4: I tend to get emotional. How do I avoid this during the raise conversation? (0:59)
Video 5: What are some good reasons to ask for a raise? (1:21)
Video 6: How can I learn more about the company’s pay program if they don’t share? (0:25)
Video 7: Top 3 Tips For Successfully Asking For a Raise or What Not To Do? (1:31)
Video 8: How soon can you ask for a raie when you've just landed a job? (2:01)
Video 9: Why should you always ask where your job places you in the company's pay range? (0:38)
Video 10: What advice would you give Women of Color asking for a raise? (1:04)
Video 11: What to do when you find out your coworker makes more for the same amount of work? (4:19)
Video 12: If I get a no, how do I negotiate for other benefits? (1:37)
Video 1: Thanks for Joining Us! (1:24)
Video 2: Adding Your Course to Your Resume + LinkedIn (5:03)
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Video 11: What to do when you find out your coworker makes more for the same amount of work?
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